This week was an interesting one as I worked on the forgiveness letter exercise and burned my candle for 7 days. I wrote about 7 letters total and cried through some of them, especially the two geared towards my parents.
It was a busy week of cleaning the house and ensuring I cleared out any and everything associated with my ex. I have a few large items and some minor things I am working through but for the most part, I am close. My car was also cleaned out, but I can honestly say it was not that bad.
I did some shopping around for items that symbolize love and a couple, but nothing felt right. There are a few furniture items that I want to get but am reluctant to buy at this time. I had to be honest with myself and fully acknowledge that I am simply not happy with where I live. I stay in the same house that my ex and I moved into. Also, space itself bothers me all around and needs work. Staying here is affecting me in more ways than I can fathom. I’ve had an artist block since last year and I believe it is because of this house. I’ve been yearning for a big and real change for so long. The time has come to manifest better for myself, cause honey, this ain’t it!
My goal for this year has been to move out of this place and to another city. Also, into a home that feels good all around. I realize that I’ve had a lack mentality, and I need to change that. In all aspects of my life I had settled and limited myself, especially when it comes to my last relationship and where I stay now. Telling myself to stay here because the rent is good just isn’t cutting it anymore.
I write this blog entry to say a few things:
Be honest with yourself: I’ve had a strong reluctance to buy new for the place I am in because I truly want to move, start fresh, then buy new that matches the essence of the new space. Buying new for this old, stale space that is tied to my ex in many ways isn’t conducive to this entire process. As time goes on, I find myself listening to my heart more and more.
Take your time and dig deep with your forgiveness letters: Don’t hold back! Put everything down that still bothers you. You’d be amazed at how much weight is lifted off of you.
Shay is truly a blessing: I will continue to say this weekly. Coaching is life changing. So many women and myself trust Shay with our lives. That may sound melodramatic but it’s the God honest truth – the changes you will encounter are life-altering.
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I definitely needed this. To forgive my parents. Growing up with a dysfunctional marriage with my parents. Not realizing that this is were everything started first for me and how I was attract the wrong type of love. I was putting off the wrong energy for attracted my father type of broken love. I had to face that ugly truth, be honest to myself and forgive them. When I started writing the letters to my parents tears were falling. Now I ready to move forward with new Love and attract my soul mate.